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Jewish funeral and mourning traditions are both deeply practical and profoundly spiritual.  Loss of a loved one can be very destabilizing.  At this fragile time, some people are surprised at how important it is for them to connect with Jewish ritual and tradition, a tradition which provides profound ways to hold your grief fully and to honour the person you have lost.  


I am  available to help you navigate such a difficult time.  I can bring you traditional Jewish practices.  I can also offer you the flexibility and creativity to co-create a ritual that honours and reflects the life and values of the person you have lost that is both comfortable and comforting for the mourners.  As well as officiating at funerals and memorials, I am available to lead a shiva minyan, a prayer service in your home, which would give you a traditional opportunity to say Kaddish, the mourner’s prayer, and to share stories of your loved one.




Please contact me directly to discuss compensation for these services.


Funerals & Memorials
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