Forgiveness 5784
This is the D'var Torah I gave on Yom Kippur 5784, September 25, 2023, during the Torah Service. I don't blog or publish much, as you...

Unetaneh Tokef 5781
When Or Shalom’s Rabbi Hannah Dresner asked me to curate and co-lead Musaf(1) at Or Shalom on the Second Day of Rosh Hashanah, I...

"Jewishish" Weddings in B.C.
These words expand on my Malchuyot Torah Vort from Rosh Hashanah 5780. On May 26, 2020, I presented my current thinking to the Vancouver...

Bereishit: In God's Image
A couple of years ago, for the High HolyDays, Or Shalom Synagogue’s Rabbi Hannah Dresner decided that her overall theme would be humility....

Malchuyot or Why I Perform Interfaith Lifecycle Events: A Torah Vort for Rosh Hashanah 5780
In her “Crash Talk”, Rabbi Benay Lappe, the groundbreaking talmud teacher Or Shalom brought to study with us a year and a half ago,...