Unetaneh Tokef 5781
When Or Shalom’s Rabbi Hannah Dresner asked me to curate and co-lead Musaf(1) at Or Shalom on the Second Day of Rosh Hashanah, I...

Malchuyot or Why I Perform Interfaith Lifecycle Events: A Torah Vort for Rosh Hashanah 5780
In her “Crash Talk”, Rabbi Benay Lappe, the groundbreaking talmud teacher Or Shalom brought to study with us a year and a half ago,...

Akeida #3: The Binding of Isaac - Independence and Surrender
It’s been two years since I last was a darshanit during the High Holidays. This is the third time I’ve given a dvar Torah to you and...

Akeida #2: The Binding of Isaac - Reb Zalman’s Hineini
Those of you who were here last year may recall that I gave the dvar Torah on the second day of Rosh Hashanah then. I focused on Avraham...

Akeida #1: The Binding of Isaac - Hineini
Hineini. In the Akeida, the binding of Isaac, which was just chanted so beautifully, we heard the word, “hineini”, three times –first...