Vayishlach: Mother Rachel, The Shekhinah in Exile
Bereishit/Genesis 35:16-21: "They set out from Bethel; but when they were still some distance short of Ephrath, Rachel was in...

Yom Kippur Mincha 5779
The word Mincha literally means present, gift or offering. Normally at Mincha on Yom Kippur you may experience a Torah service, with a...

Reading Jewish Women: Marginality as Opportunity, A SpeakChorus
(Presented at Limmud Vancouver, 2018) When I was in Rabbinic school, I took a history course on the Jewish Enlightenment/Haskalah, a...

Vayigash: A Mirror for Our Giving
(Prepared for T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights) My sister is developmentally disabled. Although she is very high functioning,...

The Or Shalom Cemetery: A Community Teaching on related issues of Integral Halacha
When I began my Senior Teshuva (Responsa) project, knowing that Or Shalom was in the process of acquiring the rights to a section of...